AppOne Esolution Limited Apps

RC-Castle 6.0
RC-Castle is based in Hong Kong which isfounded by several energetichobbyists who are in the RC Hobby industry for over 10 years.With the direct support from our neighbor factories in China &Taiwan,RC-Castle benefits from the lowest logistic cost that allow ustobring the best products with the most competitive prices toourbuyers.We keep on carrying full range of RC products and spare partssupports. RC-Castle is listing few thousands of various RCproducts.It is not a matter if you want to upgrade, repair or to buy a newRCaircraft, those products and spare parts are here ready for youaswell as the professional advises from our CS and Technicalteams.This is an official RC-Castle App. With this app you can browseouronline shop and receive the newest products , discount sale&newsletter information.RC-Castle is based inHong Kong which is founded by several energetichobbyists who are in the RC Hobby industry for over 10 years.With the direct support from our neighbor factories in China &Taiwan,RC-Castle benefits from the lowest logistic cost that allow ustobring the best products with the most competitive prices toourbuyers.We keep on carrying full range of RC products and spare partssupports. RC-Castle is listing few thousands of various RCproducts.It is not a matter if you want to upgrade, repair or to buy a newRCaircraft, those products and spare parts are here ready for youaswell as the professional advises from our CS and Technicalteams.This is an official RC-Castle App. With this app you can browseouronline shop and receive the newest products, discount sale&newsletter information.
Powerful French Translator 2.0
Easy to use, Fast and Accurate FrenchEnglishEnglish French Translator !*****French is the national language of France and also spokenincountries like Congo, Canada, Madagascar.This free application is fast to translate words or voicesfromEnglish to French, and from French to English. Simple andfasttranslations, which can be used like a dictionary. You cancopythem and paste them directly for communication in whatsapporwhatever mobile communication tools.No matter you are a student, tourist or traveler, it would bethebest tool for you as a French translator!Features:★ Simple and easy to use★ French >English or English > French★ Translates words, sentences and paragraphs★ Reads loudly after translation★ Voice recognition★ Easy communicate with foreigners.★Ask questions in other languages.★ Copy and paste for communication tools, like whatsapp★ Free!!
VIKI Messenger- NFC(近場通訊)心意傳送 1.0
VIKI ( We Keep Contact)聖誕節很想跟你說很多情話,在最近的距離,傳送最深情的說話。通過使用Android手機的NFC(近場通訊)功能, 將兩部手機貼在一起, 傳送心意~多簡單的說話, 但卻有口難言, 或者想以特別的方式表達?現在只要使用VIKI Messenger, 就能夠在最近的距離, 以最特別的方法,在聖誕節時向你的女神或者情人,透露心中情。當然VIKI唔會咁簡單, 佢有好多不同場合的用途。緊記:只有內置NFC功能的Android手機才能使用。
射擊快手 2.0
射擊快手是喜歡射擊遊戲玩家必玩的最新免費遊戲,保證你拿不到很高分,夠膽來挑戰嗎?射擊快手是一款眼明手快考反應的射擊遊戲。你將扮演使用模擬真槍實彈,以最敏捷的身手射中可惡的小丑。小丑神出鬼沒,個個都面目可憎,一定要一個不留!有一定的時間限制,你必須在規定的時間內消滅最多的小丑!擊中越多,得分越高。連續射中超過10次,更會有COMBO倍升分數,超過10000分先係真正的射擊快手!逼真的遊戲音效,讓你擁有更完美更真實的狙擊體驗。你將是一名真正的狙擊手!遊戲擁有自己的排行榜功能,要贏人先要贏自己,你可以不斷各自己挑戰,真正的狙擊高手。邀請你的朋友一起來游戲吧?這將非常有趣。★遊戲特點★★★★★★成千上萬的小丑等著你去射殺★★★★★上彈模式子經典模式,不同難度讓你挑戰★★★★★模擬真槍實彈,一個字:爽!★★★★★COMBO HITS, 只有神手才可超越★★★★★遊戲速度,節奏感相當爽快★★★★★好難過萬分,過得到,先係真正高手射擊快手為射擊得分遊戲,限定時間,擊中越多,得分越高。祝大家玩的開心,如有任何建議,請評論留下您的寶貴意見,或電郵[email protected],以便讓我們做的更好,謝謝!如要了解更多,請登陸。Deft shot is likeshootinggamers will play the latest free games, make sure you gethighpoints, dare to challenge?Shooting is an agile test reaction deft shooting game. Youwillplay using analog live ammunition to shoot in the mostagilityhateful clown.Clown shadowy, all of them are terrifying, we must not leaveone!There is a certain time limit, you must destroy the mostclownwithin the stipulated time! The more hits, the higher thescore.Continuous shot more than 10 times, there will be times lCOMBOscore over 10,000 points first real shot deft lines!Realistic gaming sound effects, so you have a more perfectmorerealistic sniper experience. You will be a true sniper!The game has its own ranking function, people must first wintowin yourself, you can keep all their challenges, the realsniperexpert. Invite your friends together game, right? It will beveryinteresting.★ Game Features ★★★★★★ thousands of clown waiting for you to shoot★★★★★ bomb mode on sub-classic mode, different difficulty letyouchallenge★★★★★ simulation of live ammunition, one word: cool!★★★★★ COMBO HITS, only the hand of God be beyond★★★★★ game speed, rhythm fairly straightforward★★★★★ extremely good sad, get over first true master systemShooting deft score for shooting games, limited time, hitmore,the higher the score. I wish you all have fun, if you haveanysuggestions, please leave your comments comment [email protected], so that we do better, thank you! To learnmore,please visit
Jump , Sheep ! 1.0
Jump , Sheep ! is a new funny relaxinggamethat you must try! You can't miss this free andexcitinggame!
華都眼鏡 4.0
華都眼鏡Waldorf glasses
英語讀學樂 - 免費口語學習工具 2.0
腦力鬥一番 1.01
香港人氣休閒手機遊戲 - 「腦力鬥一番」 正式推出!遊戲玩法創新,激發你的腦部潛能,增強快速思考及判斷能力!另外更增設對戰激鬥模式,誰是天才,誰是白痴,激鬥過就知!想提升腦部智商IQ,立即下載,完全免費!本遊戲老少咸宜,Android手機及平板同時兼容。-------------------------------腦力鬥一番 遊戲特色:★ 腦力大比拼,超強腦力疲勞體驗★ 神秘關卡,只有天才才能開啟★ 注入怪物人物增加可愛趣味★ 玩法簡單,分1分鐘、3分鐘及5分鐘模式★ 活化腦細胞,可防腦退化★ 激鬥模式,增進雙方感情,同時開發腦部潛能★ 升LEVEL,可破解神秘關卡★ 等級評價,天才定白痴,玩完你就知還有比這更好玩更挑戰的遊戲嗎?請留意http://appone.hk支持創新者,請給予支持,如對本遊戲有任何意見或想與我們合作,可電郵[email protected] 與我們關絡。
Monkey Math 乘數速學遊戲 2.0
Monkey Math乘數速學遊戲是一款專為小學生設計的乘數速學應用程式,以遊戲形式增加小孩對學習乘法的興趣,以不強迫的方法,在無意識及輕鬆地記憶乘數表。此程式也可加快計算乘數的速度。讓小朋友輕鬆愉快地學習數學。
香港人撐香港品牌 4.1
香港人撐香港品牌團隊主要由七間公司七個創業家組成,分別是:陳剛雄先生(E-Print集團營運總監及E-Banner創辦人)、楊振源先生(彩豐行創辦人) 、時景恆先生(時昌迷你倉創辦人) 、林凱源先生(Gogovan創辦人) 、王嘉源先生(洗樓王創辦人)、陳卓銘先生(一勤Isaken廣告媒體創辦人) 和何智聰先生(Ocean Three創辦人) 。香港人撐香港品牌並非一個組織又或是一個商會,只是眼見香港創業氣氛日發濃厚,奈何因為技能、資金或人脈上等等的不足,很多有理想有抱負的年輕人無從起步。希望憑藉這次機會,建立一個公平,公正及理想的網上平台無私地把自己創業時的經驗以及心得分享予可能正於創業路上打滾的人。此手機應用程式為任何中小企提供一個等價交換平台,讓各大中小企可以公平交易,共享資源,減少創業營運成本。Hong Kong, Hong Kongpeople support the brand's team consists of seven companies sevenentrepreneurs, namely: Mr. Chen Gangxiong (E-Print Group ChiefOperating Officer and founder of E-Banner), Mr. Yang Zhenyuan (ChoiFung founder), when King Mr. Hang (when Chang mini storagefounder), Mr. Lin Kaiyuan (Gogovan founder), Mr. Wang Jiayuan (washfloor Wang founder), Mr. Chen Zhuoming (a ground Isaken advertisingmedia founder) and Mr. He Zhicong (Ocean Three founder).Hong Kong, Hong Kong people support a brand is not anotherorganization or a chamber of commerce, just seeing the Hong KongVenture atmosphere Rifa strong, nonetheless because of lack ofskills, or financial connections, and so on, a lot of idealsaspiring young not get started. We hope with the opportunity tobuild a fair, just and ideal internet selflessly put theirentrepreneurial experience and to share experiences when I might berolling on the road to entrepreneurial people.This apps provide a platform for the exchange of equal any SMEs,SMEs can make major fair trade, sharing of resources, reduceoperating costs entrepreneurship.